On January 23, 2010, I turned 21 (inner reaction: "WHAT?!"). This time in my life is so surreal for me. I cannot believe that I am an official adult. The age of 21 seemed so far away when I was 10, celebrating the beginning of my journey into double digits land at my favorite skating rink United Skates. Oh how time flies... It is safe to say that I am not the same person I was three, four or even one year ago. Every year, I am amazed by how much I have grown as a person. Change, my friends, is the one beautiful aspect about life.
Becoming an official adult has allowed me to really think about what I want out of life. Or may be it could just be the ridiculously cute boys from the new show on MTV, The Buried Life, that have got me thinking about my "bucket list." There are so many things that I want to do with my life. I am more than just some web-savvy, loud-laughing, silly-talking, fashion-obsessed college student. Yes, I want to work at a fashion magazine. And yes, I want to influence millions of teen girls all over the world. But what else do I want to do with my life you ask? Well. I don't believe in sharing my intimate goals unless we are truly close. I will say that a lot of my life-long goals include stepping out of my comfort zone. I encourage you to do the same. Make a list and try and achieve the items on it.