Okay, well what I'm trying to get at is that I've become obsessed with headbands. I use to wear them on occasion, but recently, I become absolutely obsessed. I wear the same one everyday--only because I haven't gone out to buy more--with my hair twisted up in a banana clip. Of course I'll wear my hair down if I have time or feel like it, but a banana clip and headband is how I like to roll, yo.
Actually, Just Google Me
...Okay, so there’s no doubt that we are all guilty of once in a while Googling ourselves and seeing what comes up (heck, I did it just about 5 minutes ago). And if by now you’ve notice things you wouldn’t want other people to find out comes up, why haven’t you changed your name?!—Ha, Okay. But on a serious note, does having our name and access to the internet give our future bosses the right to search our names as well? What if an embarrassing picture from our past surfaces along with the name search? Should we, prospective employees and College students, be judged on that? I think we should; the Internet is all about what we put out there, but then again, what about incidents we can't control? Incidents that might have to do with an article incorrectly written about us. Or, something from our past, i.e. once again, embarrassing pictures....