Friday, April 2, 2010

The Sequined Beanie

I'm a huge fan of hats. On days when I roll out of bed with no time to do my hair how I want, I plop on a hat. I'm currently searching for a medium sized fedora in a neutral shade. Any suggestions?

Anyway, I was at a photo shoot back in October for my school's magazine and I paired one of the models with a royal blue sequined beanie. Truth be told, prior to the shoot, I never saw such a sequined head accessory. And up until Wednesday's airing of Ugly Betty, I was convinced a sequined hat, specifically the beanie, was a piece that should be worn by someone young.

Take a look and tell me your thoughts!

Christine in a Black Beanie
Christina (Ashley Jensen) from Ugly Betty in a black sequined beanie.
Photo courtesy:

Royal Blue Beanie
Royal blue sequined beanie on a student model.

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