Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday Obsession: Cupcakes


...what a surprise, NOT! After work today, I decided to head uptown to Buttercup Bake Shop, and I have to admit, I was a little disappointed. The cake is amazing, but the icing isn't exactly my favorite. It makes me wonder why anyone would want one of their icing shots. Yes, I said ICING SHOTS. The icing is too rich and I found a piece of plastic in the icing of my red velvet cupcake (yikes!). Sadly, that didn't stop me from finishing it (HEY. I paid 6 bucks!), but what's so great about this bake shop is that with at least two cupcakes you get a free drink! Buttercup Bake Shop, you are in last place on my cupcake list.


Besides eatable cupcakes, there's me (unless you're a cannibal)! Today's outfit is little girl and cupcake inspired. Okay lovelies, prepare to use your imagination. In my head, my trapeze dress is the cupcake while my silver sequenced kicks are kind of like the icing on top of the cupcake. I think the shoes add a sweet, pretty, and unique touch to the outfit. What do you think? Anyone else have food inspired outfits?


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