Friday, August 8, 2008

Why I Love The Olympics

Olympics. Beijing. Olympics. Beijing. That's all we've been hearing about lately; the Olympics and Beijing, and if you're looking to not read about the Olympics, well then I suggest you hit that X on your browser.

To me, the Olympics mean a lot. All my life I've been an athlete and at one point in my track career I thought, "I want to make it to the Olympics!" Not to toot my own horn (toot toot), but in track I was pretty freakin' awesome. I enjoyed it. I loved running fast and winning most of my races. However, mid-way my freshman year of high school, I had a severe case of shin splints. I can stand pain, in fact, I almost love it, but this pain was just too much and it hindered me from practicing to the tenth degree. I lost interest and felt discouraged. I thought, "why even bother practicing?" And like that, my dreams of going to the Olympics were over, but then I thought, "well I'll just try and be the best darn track athlete I can be." I joined the weight team and come my senior year, I ended up winning Shot Put for my section and division. I was officially one of the "state champ" Shot Putters for my state and the school awarded me with a spiffy plaque that stands next to all the amazing athletes that have since graduated from my high school.


Making it to the Olympics is like telling the world that you are a superhero. I have so much respect for these athletes because they submerge themselves into their sport and come out on top. Hmm. That's my new philosophy on life. If you ever want to make it out on top in whatever you like/love, you must submerge yourself so deep that you're dripping in whatever that love is.

Well, I'm rooting for USA (duh) and so is Ellie. Which country are your rooting for?

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