Yesterday was the day. Yesterday was the start of a great opportunity. From 10 in the morning 'til 6 at night, it was non-stop unpacking, organizing and labeling of dresses. Mmm, and I loved every moment of it! Us interns were like a well-oiled machine. We worked very well together; it's as if we had one giant fashion brain. Well, I don't have much to say because I'm really tired. Or, I might actually be really antsy because of the fact that I get to go to a fashion show on Sunday!! The editor had extra Fashion Week show invites and divvied them out to the interns. Of course it came down to an all out blood bath (not really) for the William Rast show, but I'm happy to say I won! I might also be going to Alexandr Terekhov's show, but I don't know if I'm down for spending 12-plus hours in the city. OH yeah. Did I mention that there's an after party for the William Rast show?! I'm just happy that this time I won't have to sneak into the shows. I can actually attend as a LEGITIMATE guest (yay!).