Monday, August 17, 2009

Ask Secretista

Ask Secretista

Being that I'm heading back to campus in three days (!!!) and will be busy until school starts, I've decided to do what other Bloggers have done and have a question and answer series! As you can see in this post done by a cute new blogger, I love answering questions. And the one thing some may not know about me is that I love mentoring. Just like my hero Atoosa Rubenstein, I love helping teen girls and will probably help teen girls until eternity. I get countless e-mails from girls asking me questions about fashion, internships and other life issues and I think it's time I share my answers with everyone.

Leave your questions in the comment area (comment link by this post's title), and I'll answer as many as I can. Ask away lovelies! I can't wait to read the questions!

I'll begin answering the questions on August 24, 2009.

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