I love Arthur and the rest of the Elwood City gang! But uh, you probably knew that from my post a couple months ago.
Last night, I had my normal Sunday night rendezvous with one of my best gal pals. We watched Desperate Housewives and some cheesy reality TV. Afterwards, we took stupid pictures because we were bored (don't judge!) and she pointed out to me that she had some Arthur books, which were perfectly placed between her art and philosophy texts. The mini Marc Brown novel I picked up was entitled Who's in Love with Arthur? The answer? ME! Haha, just kidding. Sort of.
You see, I aspire to be like many people and Marc Brown happens to be one of them. I think he is a complete genius. The books and the show Arthur are so intelligently written and played a big role in my childhood. They force children to learn a little something about life. I love how the show includes current pop culture into their episodes and have special appearances by well-known people like the Backstreet Boys! I'm serious. Check it out here!
In addition, writing a book is one of my many aspirations. Writing a children’s book is my ultimate goal. I hated reading growing up, but there were two book series I could flip through for hours: Arthur (of course) and The Magic School Bus—nothing beats the quirky Frizz. I want to be able to write a book that inspires and impacts kid's lives.