Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Meet Deb

Going away to college has so far been one of the best decisions I've made in my life. Truth be told, I just couldn't see myself in the Garden State anymore and roaming around the same old town with the same old people (with the exception of a select few) I've known for over 10 years. I've met so many wonderful people while at school and I've learned a lot about myself and from others. I've also become good friends with the most kooky-cool peeps.

Meet Deborah, aka Deb. She's my artsy/sister-from-another-mister friend. We met two years ago and have been friends ever since! I think we're so tight because we think a lot alike, she's blunt and isn't afraid to disagree with me on well, anything. She also says the darnedest things.

Deb recently got new sun glasses and a blazer that I think make her look like Yoko Ono. Take a look (the background is one of her paintings):

Her response to me calling her a mini version of Ms. Ono:

"I actually AM Yoko Ono.
And if you google image her, there's not a single picture of her wearing anything but black.
Which, I just realized, could mean she's perpetually in mourning.
Which is painfully poetic and beautiful.
Which is the exact opposite for why I wear [nothing but] black. Anti-poetic. Anti-statement. No statement is the best statement.

And so...
I actually am NOT Yoko.

Oh the irony."


That my loves is my friend Deb. Who's your coolest friend?

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