Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Weekender

Went to a dinner party/shin-dig Friday night. Which lead to me spending the night in Queens; however, getting there is another story. After some tears and confusion, I made it to Queens--haha! I just hate getting lost, and I didn't see the sign for my stop, and it was getting pretty late, and I never took the subway by myself, so when I arrived at the final stop and wasn't at my destination, I crept back into my childhood state when I thought I lost my mom at the supermarket and started crying for her. And, well, that is what I did; I cried, but then I asked some nice man in a booth (that's his job anyway, to assist). Point being, I am going to look at my subway map, and study that son-of-a-gun.

It was nice to see some familiar faces from back home. Especially this little lady:

Her name is Anna Pamela C. I was always marveled by this girl's style; she was always so stylish with the right touch of vintage--her name even fits her style! Even when we were in high school, she didn't know it, but I thought her style was pretty cool. And what was so cool about her style was that she dressed the way she wanted and didn't give a damn. But in a strange way, her clothing was always Fashion forward. This chick was rockin' those big old 80's glasses before they made a splash on the scene. Speaking of those, where'd they go?! Well, here's to you Anna!

Got a friend you wished you could dress like?
Tell me about it.


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