Dress. I believe every girl should own at least one dress. Once again, call me old fashion, but a dress is the ultimate way to look instantly put together and cute! During the school year I live in dresses because I have a lot of missed alarm mornings and a dress makes me feel presentable.
Hat. Err... who has time to do their hair when they've got 20 minutes to get ready?! All I need to do is comb my hair down and throw on a hat. Voila! I don't have to worry about what my hair looks like all day.
Clutch. I have classes back-to-back-to-back from 9 am - 9 pm (usually), so I have a big bag I use to carry all my books and an extra bag will just be a nuisance. I always put most of my necessities in a clutch and throw it in the ginormous bag.
Flats. Uh, does this need an explanation? I love walking around in heels on campus, but sometimes a good flat is what I really need to make sure I make it to class on time and with feet intact.
Jacket. It's always important to carry a jacket or scarf. I can always count on the classrooms to be at least 20 degrees below the outside temperature.
Sunglasses. Hm. You can figure this one out.
What era influences your fashionology?